Newborn photography and safety
Newborn sessions are right up there in my faves. Sweet little baby snuggles, gorgeous wee feet, little teeny lips, they are just always so different and perfect. And Motueka, you seem to have ridiculously gorgeous babies! So, how am I keeping these sweet babies safe during their newborn photo session at Velvet Moon Photography?
When I am doing a newborn photo session, my number one priority is always baby safety. Being so tiny, wee babes are vulnerable to injury and illness, so my provisions for their safety start before you've even booked in.
- My studio set up is designed with your baby's safety in mind.
- My posing surfaces are close to the ground - I don't use posing tables due to multiple incidents of them collapsing overseas, that's not a risk I could ever take.
- The studio is sanitised between clients, I RAT test on the day for newborn clients, and I always wear a mask with newborns, which helps protect babe from things like RSV as well as covid.
- The area in which we move around in is compact, no walking baby from room to room.
- My studio (and therefore baby) is warm and cosy.
- I am always monitoring baby's breathing and colour in all poses.
- I am reeeeallly gentle with babies and follow their cues - I don't force poses at all. Some babies are less bendy than others!
- I have studied newborn posing and safety with multiple mentors.
- Lots of it is illusionary (hello, one of my favourite words ❤️)
- I don't use essential oils in the studio at all; while they are lovely, I know some people are very sensitive to them and some aren't good for babes.
- Baby is always secure in their pose and sometimes I'll enlist your help as a spotter.
- My camera is strapped on when it's elevated over baby.
- I am a registered teacher with 15 years experience (therefore police checked etc).
- I have experience with special needs, I used to be an Early Intervention Teacher.
- I am a mama of 4.
Basically, I am hugely paranoid about safety and have channelled this into creating the safest space I can. That way, you can be assured your precious baby is in good hands. I'm always happy to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to shoot me an email x